Watch out Naples…

This is a public service announcement…We interrupt the normal broadcast of my blog to report this announcement ….ha…

I apologize for my subscribers who look for travel tips and memories in my blog but I do feel like it is time to share a personal goal with my family and friends.

I have been sponsored by a family at my church and I am heading to Naples Italy in April. I will be attending a mission training trip in Naples…my mother in law will be so proud as we haven’t ventured South enough for her…this is where part of my husband’s family was from , mostly from Sicily but I doubt I will make it that far South.

For several years now I have been networking and meeting people and reaching out and making friends…this summer I plan to have low pressure, low key Bible studies in Tuscany. I hope some busy Moms will meet with me, maybe expats who have not found an avenue in which to pray or share and anyone else who would like to learn more about God’s Word, His calling and what role we have in HIS plan. The Tennessee Baptist Association has joined forces with the International Mission Board to begin a 5 year commitment to work in Italy.  I look forward to being a part of the beginnings of this effort.

I am by no means a teacher, a preacher or a scholar. I am just a wife, mom, busy worker who wants to take the lead and share. If you have any advice, recommended reading, study guides, etc that you would like to share feel free to reply here or message me at (my email). If you are in Bagni or the Lucca area in June or July and would like to join me and get the schedule please let me know! I hope to have one morning and one evening sharing time (of course there will be food and even a babysitter!) for 3 weeks.

I was just so excited when the funding came through for this training that I had to share it! I know you all will send me good vibes and prayer in April that I will learn from the existing missionaries in Italy to help me in Tuscany this summer.

I hope to learn more about my hubby’s family while I am there as well. I now have an entire new region to begin reading and studying before the trip…yahoo more blogs and books to read!

and now back to our regularly scheduled program….

Three Generations…and the famous Grandma C!

From Naples to Ellis Island (in the back ground)…

Can not wait to see where this jouney takes us!!






About Melonie

A busy Managing Real Estate Broker, active soccer Mom, professional volunteer, missionary wannabe. Living in the Cherokee National Forest area of Tennessee, vacation in the Apuan Alps of Italy...found rural Tuscany and love to talk about it!
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